Anju Reejhsinghani
- Title: Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer
- Pronouns: she/her
- Languages spoken: English, Spanish (bilingüe)
- Email: vcdei@ucsc.edu

Judith Estrada
- Title: Director of Educational Programs
- Pronouns: she/her/ella
- Languages spoken: English, Spanish (bilingüe)
- Email: judi@ucsc.edu

Dadao Hou
- Title: Director of Policy and Planning
- Pronouns: he/him
- Languages spoken: Chinese, English
- Email: dhou3@ucsc.edu

Aracely Aceves Lozano
- Title: Event and Outreach Coordinator
- Pronouns: she/her/ella
- Languages spoken: English, Spanish (bilingüe)
- Email: aaceves5@ucsc.edu