Get Involved
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Get Involved with ODEI
The Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) is dedicated to fostering a vibrant, inclusive campus community. Our events and programs bring together students, staff, faculty, alumni, volunteers, and community members in the spirit of shared cultural appreciation, inclusion, and celebration.
We encourage you to explore the ODEI Event Calendar for a comprehensive list of events that promote belonging and unity in our community. From Heritage Month celebrations and commemorations to the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Convocation, our activities offer meaningful opportunities for engagement, learning, and connection.
Our work doesn’t end with event planning. We also support staff affinity groups, empowering UC Santa Cruz employees to build networks, advocate for shared goals, and foster a sense of community across campus. Our Event Sponsorship Program provides funding for events aligned with our mission, promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion across the university. Additionally, the Student Pulse Check survey and other campus climate instruments help us to gather valuable feedback that will shape important policy improvements and commitments. Finally, the free educational opportunities we provide our employees (both synchronous and asynchronous, in person and virtual) provide historically rooted and evidence-based understandings on how to create more inclusive workplaces while educating the next generation of Banana Slugs.
We hope you’ll join us in creating an environment where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and connected. This website will help you stay informed, participate in your community, and help us make UC Santa Cruz a place of belonging for all.