Student Pulse Check
The UC Santa Cruz Student Pulse Check was a confidential survey available to all undergraduate and graduate students from October 14 through November 3, 2024. Designed to capture students’ perceptions of their campus experiences, this brief 5-10 minute survey gathered insights on whether students felt welcomed and supported at UC Santa Cruz. A demographic section followed the main questions to ensure the diversity of student identities was represented.
Feedback from the Student Pulse Check will provide critical insights that support UC Santa Cruz’s commitment to a campus climate where all members feel welcomed, supported, and empowered. It also informs the listening sessions that ODEI will host in Winter and Spring 2025 to gain further insight into student perspectives. The Student Pulse Check, together with the listening sessions, will guide improvements in policy, programs, and services.
A public report is scheduled for release in Summer 2025. Have questions? Check out our FAQ below or email us at vcdei@ucsc.edu.

The UC Santa Cruz Student Pulse Check closed on November 3, 2024.
Stay tuned for the public report in Summer 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Student Pulse Check?
The Student Pulse Check is designed to understand your campus experiences. In particular, we want to gauge your perceptions on whether you feel welcome and supported. “Pulse” means it includes a brief set of questions intended to capture timely insights.
The Student Pulse Check takes 5–10 minutes to complete and comprises a very brief set of questions. A demographic questionnaire that follows ensures that the diversity of lived identities are represented.
Why is UC Santa Cruz conducting a Student Pulse Check?
UC Santa Cruz is committed to fostering and promoting a campus climate where all members feel welcomed, supported, and empowered. Feedback and comments gathered from Student Pulse Check will provide timely critical information about our campus climate and help us in our efforts to improve policies, programs, and services. The survey results will also be used to inform listening sessions in Winter and Spring 2025. We hope to conduct regular Pulse Checks in the future.
Who participated in Student Pulse Check?
All undergraduate and graduate students at UC Santa Cruz were invited to participate.
How will Student Pulse Check make a difference?
Your experience counts, your perspective matters, and we want to hear from you. There are policies, programs, services, and people on campus that are fostering a campus climate where everyone feels welcome, supported, and empowered. We want to hear how they positively contribute to your sense of inclusion and belonging. In the meantime, we also want to hear how we can better support you and improve your campus experiences. The result of the Student Pulse Check will be a guidepost in our ongoing work to improve campus climate, from enhancing program offerings and creating spaces for community engagements to updating policies and practices.
How do you ensure the confidentiality of Student Pulse Check?
Your responses are confidential. Individuals will not be identified in the analysis and reporting. Results of the Student Pulse Check will be reported only as aggregate (group level) data. In addition, aggregate data will only be reported for groups with at least 5 responses. Your name and email address are used strictly for sending invitations and reminder messages. Such information is only accessible by survey administration staff at Institutional Research, Analytics, and Planning Support (IRAPS) and will be deleted from all databases after the survey is closed. Responses may be paired with institutional data to allow for analysis and reporting at the group level.
What results will be reported?
Public reporting will include a summary of the survey results accompanied with aggregate data. When appropriate, quantitative results will also be reported by self-reported demographics. We expect to share the high-level report with the campus community in Summer 2025.