Religious Accommodations
UC Santa Cruz Policies
At UC Santa Cruz, we recognize and celebrate that our community is enriched by the diverse religious, spiritual, philosophical, cultural, or familial traditions or beliefs. We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where all are welcomed, supported, respected, and valued regardless of religious belief or practice (or lack of it). Our commitment to religious inclusion is reflected in our policies and resources—including those on interfaith gatherings, educational programs, and religious accommodations—that ensure all members of our university community have the opportunity to thrive, contribute, and succeed.
Academic and administrative units are encouraged to make reasonable accommodations when the schedule of a required campus event conflicts with an individual’s religious belief or practice. CP/EVC’s website maintains a list of religious holidays for the current academic year.
Religious Holidays during the 2024-25 Academic Year

For students, a religious accommodation may include being excused from class or lab time, receiving extensions on assignments, and rescheduling impacted quizzes, tests, or examinations. It may also include limiting or avoiding the use of technology, including virtual learning platforms. Some observances require fasting that may impact performance. Offering a refreshment or other break at sundown can serve to provide comfort and attention to observant students. It is the official policy of the University to accommodate, without penalty, requests for alternate examination times in cases where the scheduled time for the examination violates a student’s religious creed. See the university policy on final examinations.
Students who observe a religious holiday that conflicts with their assigned move-in date can request an early arrival. UC maintains a Policy for Addressing Religious Holiday Conflicts with Residence Hall “Move-In” Days.
UC’s Policy on Vaccination Programs allows for religious objections.

Employees may take time off to observe special or religious holidays that are not included in the official UC administrative holiday calendar. Supervisors are encouraged to work with employees to ensure they have an equitable opportunity to engage in their faith. Employees may use accrued vacation, paid time off (PTO) if applicable, or compensatory time off. Taking unpaid leave is also an option. See Section III.H.2 of PPSM 2.210: Absence from Work.
UC’s Policy on Vaccination Programs allows for religious objections.