Campus Inclusive Climate Council

The Campus Inclusive Climate Council (CICC) includes faculty, administrators, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, community members and alumni. CICC is guided by UCSC’s Principles of Community, the first of which is diversity. Diversity as a core commitment of the university, guides the other principles, that of being open, purposeful, caring, just, disciplined, and celebrative. Holistically, our Principles of Community are the foundation upon which we build the infrastructure that actualizes inclusive excellence. Inclusive excellence is about creating spaces where we work together to identify actions that will improve campus climate and to make those actions sustainable. 

As such, the main functions of the council are to:

  • Work with the Chief Diversity Officer to advise the Chancellor on matters that will help to build our diversity, improve equitable practices, and identify strategies for inclusivity.
  • Identify actionable items that will support student, staff and faculty success.
  • Serve as a network of students, staff and faculty and community members to exchange information on best practices and programs that foster a healthy campus climate.

The council’s overall goal is to provide recommendations for fostering a healthy campus climate by fulfilling the following objectives:

  1. To identify the primary issues that emerge from campus climate data and generate ideas on how to address them;
  2. To provide recommendations to senior leadership about actions that can be taken to co-create and co-sustain inclusive learning and workplace environments, 
  3. To update an inventory of the diversity programs that exist throughout campus and provide resources for best practices, or “toolkits,” for campus and community partners.
  4. To bring to the attention of the council any new climate concerns of which we should be made aware and prepared to address (e.g., the impact of COVID-19 on the learning environment for students)
  5. To support the Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation subcommittee in identifying a keynote speaker and creating the event’s program.


CICC Membership

Academic Senate (CAAD)

Admissions--ABC Retention Specialist



CP/EVC/ Academic Personnel

Community Members--Hillel of Santa Cruz


Global Engagement

Graduate Student Representation--GSC and GSA

Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

UCSC Police Department

Resource Centers

Staff Advisory Board

Staff Human Resources

STEM Diversity Programming


Undergraduate Student Representation--SUA VP/DI

University Relations