Co-Funding Program (Under Review)
The ODEI Co-Funding Program is under review.
The Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Co-Funding Program is designed to provide co-sponsorship support to UCSC activities, projects and events that reflect ODEI's mission to promote a campus that is diverse, equitable and inclusive.
Historically, ODEI’s co-funding provided co-sponsorship up to the amount of $750 per proposal, open to all campus constituents (students, staff and faculty) for programs that have a campus-wide impact and will make a substantial contribution to improving campus climate.
If your office has previously counted on funding from ODEI, please contact us. The funding program is under review however, we do not want your activities/projects/events/recruitment efforts to be negatively impacted.
Photos from Environmental Sciences Students of Color Solidarity Coalition; "Life Happens" event organized by the First-Gen Initiative; International Women's Day Symposium: all three programs received ODEI funding!